Several of today’s cloud applications are spread over heterogeneous connected computing resources and are highly dynamic in their structure and resource requirements. However, serverless computing and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms are limited to homogeneous clusters and homogeneous functions. We introduce an extension of FaaS to heterogeneous computing and to support heterogeneous functions through a network of distributed heterogeneous target platforms called Function Delivery Network (FDN). A target platform is a combination of a cluster of a homogeneous computing system and a FaaS platform on top of it. FDN provides Function-Delivery-as-a-Service (FDaaS), delivering the function invocations to the right target platform. We showcase the opportunities such as collaborative execution between multiple target platforms and varied target platform’s characteristics that the FDN offers in fulfilling two objectives: Service Level Objective (SLO) requirements and energy efficiency when scheduling functions invocations by evaluating over five distributed target platforms.