SLAM: SLO-Aware Memory Optimization for Serverless Applications

Image credit: IEEE Cloud


Serverless computing paradigm has become more ingrained into the industry, as it offers a cheap alternative for application development and deployment. This new paradigm has also created new kinds of problems for the developer, who needs to tune memory configurations for balancing cost and performance. Many researchers have addressed the issue of minimizing cost and meeting Service Level Objective (SLO) requirements for a single FaaS function, but there has been a gap for solving the same problem for an application consisting of many FaaS functions, creating complex application workflows. In this work, we designed a tool called SLAM to address the issue. SLAM uses distributed tracing to detect the relationship among the FaaS functions within a serverless application. By modeling each of them, it estimates the execution time for the application at different memory configurations. Using these estimations, SLAM determines the optimal memory configuration for the given serverless application based on the specified SLO requirements and user-specified objectives (minimum cost or minimum execution time). We demonstrate the functionality of SLAM on AWS Lambda by testing on four applications. Our results show that the suggested memory configurations guarantee that more than 95% of requests are completed within the predefined SLOs.

Jul 11, 2022 10:45 AM — 11:15 AM
Barcelona - Spain
UPC Campus, Terrassa, Spain 08226

My research interests include cloud computing, specifically focussing on serverless computing for heterogeneous systems, edge computing, and AIOps.
